I am running for Bay County Treasurer in 2024 because Bay County is home. Growing up in Bay County I was instilled with a set of values to reach out and help my neighbors. Running for re-election as your Bay County Treasurer provides me with the opportunity to serve my fellow citizens of Bay County while using my experience and skill set to help improve my community.
The role of Bay County Treasurer serves two primary functions. The Treasurer oversees and receipts all monies collected by the county and invests those funds. The Treasurer’s office also collects delinquent taxes while overseeing the foreclosure process. The Treasurer is also the Chair of the Bay County Land Bank Authority as well as a Trustee of the Bay County Employees’ Retirement System. The position of Treasurer requires someone with a sense of compassion and empathy. While I have the statutory duty to collect delinquent property taxes and the foreclosure of properties when it is deemed necessary, I also have the opportunity to work directly with individuals who are in the greatest need. Our office is able to work directly with individuals in difficult situations to provide them with services and resources to avoid foreclosure and stay in their home. Furthermore, The Land Bank Authority Chairperson also has an opportunity to help improve the landscape of your city or township by removing blight and repurposing dilapidated parcels. This improves public health, reduces crime, and improves your property values.

Weston was born and raised in Bay County. After graduating from Bay City Central, he attended Delta College and later transferred to Saginaw Valley State University. Weston earned his Bachelor of Business Administration from Saginaw Valley State University in 2016 and his Master of Public Administration in 2021. In addition, Weston is a graduate of the Certified Public Manager Certification Course and the Henry Marsh Institute of Public Policy at Saginaw Valley State University. Weston is an active member of the Michigan Association of County Treasurer serving as a member of the board, a district director, and a member of the Legislative and Legal Committee. In our community Weston is a member of Bay City’s Morning Rotary Club and a member of First Presbyterian Church. Prior to his time working for the great citizens of Bay County, Weston spent a year in AmeriCorps. His time in AmeriCorps took him to Wilmington, Delaware where he worked in a school working as a Reading Interventionist for students who struggled to read. After leaving Americorps, Weston spent time working in the finance industry as a consumer lending officer.
Weston was appointed Bay County Treasurer in 2022. Prior to his appointment, Weston served Bay County as the Chief Deputy Treasurer. As Chief Deputy, Weston worked closely with the Treasurer in various aspects of the office including the Bay County Land Bank Authority, collecting delinquent taxes and carrying out foreclosure processes. Weston lives in Bay City with his wife Carla, Daughter Josie and their dog Kaline. If you see Weston out in the community feel free to come say hello!
Friends of Weston Prince
314 Green Ave.
Bay City, MI 48708